Category: Financial News

August 29, 2014

The number of contracts signed to buy previously owned homes rose in July, a new sign that steady job growth is supporting a rebound in demand for housing. Shari Olefsen joins MoneyBeat. Yahoo! Finance

August 26, 2014

Explaining the past is much easier than predicting the future.  This uncertainty raises a significant number of issues when creating a financial plan for a client. Monte Carlo simulations will illuminate the nature of that uncertainty, but only if advisors...

August 12, 2014

Until his Social Security check arrived nearly $300 lighter last June, Eric Merklein, 67, had no idea that he was carrying outstanding student debt. Merklein eventually learned that the government was taking money from his Social Security payments to repay...

August 8, 2014

Suppose you need cash for a medical emergency. You can tap your IRA, especially if you plan to repay your account. The key is to repay the money within 60 days. In IRS jargon, that is an IRA-to-IRA rollover. Investor’s...

July 30, 2014

Standard & Poor's declared Argentina in default after the government missed a deadline for paying interest on $13 billion of restructured bonds. Camila Russo and Katia Porzecanski | Bloomberg

November 10, 2013

It's official now. The Internal Revenue Service recently announced inflation adjustments in many tax provisions for the 2014 tax year. These changes, required by law, will affect returns for 2014, to be filed in 2015. Many taxpayers may find it...

November 5, 2013

Lately, every stock market watcher has been keeping a close eye on the Robert Shiller's cyclically-adjusted price-earnings (CAPE) ratio. Sam Ro | Business Insider

January 3, 2013

For the foreseeable future, the federal estate tax will continue to affect only the richest families in America. As the federal estate tax exemption rises each year, the number of estate tax returns falls. From 2003 to 2012, the number...