Category: Financial News

August 30, 2016

The rich world’s central banks need a new target Like other areas of public policy, central banking is prone to fads and fashions. From limits on money-supply growth to pegging exchange rates, orthodoxies wax and wane. Yet the practice of...

August 30, 2016

It's more than just a few states. Wage growth is picking up across America — and even non-oil states are getting in on the action. The median U.S. worker benefited from a 3.4 percent year-on-year increase in wages in July, only marginally lower than...

August 23, 2016

When China's top securities regulator said recently that it plans to delist Dandong Xintai Electric Co. for falsifying initial public offering documents, it didn't grab many headlines. But it suggested some far-reaching changes may be afoot. Xintai is the first company to...

August 16, 2016

Young workers today probably can't even think about retiring for 40 or 50 years. Longer lives and the prospect of weaker investment returns mean millennials will probably have to save more money, over a longer period of time, than their parents and...

August 9, 2016

EU members give their Brexit demands, while consumers show resilience What are the 27 other EU countries hoping to get out of Brexit talks? Bloomberg reporters put that question to governments across the continent and came away with a web of priorities...

August 2, 2016

Australia's central bank dropped interest rates to a new record low Tuesday after a recent run of soft inflation readings, with some economists forecasting further cuts ahead. The 25 basis point cut to 1.5 percent means the Reserve Bank of...

July 26, 2016

We’re getting close to the final episode of Silicon Valley’s longest running soap opera,All My Yahoos, starring Marissa Mayer and a host of former leads. Pretty soon, we won’t have the internet’s version of Susan Lucci to kick around anymore....

July 26, 2016

A real estate developer wanted to increase affordable housing in Denver, trying to make fiscal sense out of a plan to build rental apartments for people making only 30 percent of the area's median income—the kind of housing America desperately...

July 6, 2016

U.S. 10-year notes pare gains after yields fall to record low Fed minutes show heightened uncertainty after payrolls slump The 2016 bond-market rally that drove Treasury yields to record lows this week has generated more than half a trillion dollars...

July 6, 2016

Jobs, labor force are declining; housing construction in epic boom. The San Francisco housing bubble – locally called “Housing Crisis” – needs a few things to be sustained forever, and that has been the plan, according to industry soothsayers: an...

June 28, 2016

The European Parliament's first debate on the UK's vote to leave has been marked by bitter exchanges. A central figure in the Leave campaign, UK Independence Party (UKIP) leader Nigel Farage, was booed, called a liar and accused of using...

June 24, 2016

Stocks (^DJI, ^GSPC, ^IXIC) are tanking as investors digest news of the Brexit. Financials (XLF) are getting slammed the hardest, with utilities (XLU) the only sector in the green. Keith Bliss of Cuttone & Co. joins us live from the New York Stock Exchange, and...

June 21, 2016

America is slipping backward, if you buy the angry rhetoric from this year’s presidential campaign. The rich are getting richer, the middle class can barely make it and the ranks of the poor are swelling. Except the numbers tell a...

June 14, 2016

Retail sales rise more than forecast in May after April surge Brexit also restraining Fed this month and maybe in July American consumers weren’t letting a slowdown in hiring prevent them from going on a shopping spree. Retail sales increased...

June 7, 2016

Europe’s benchmark government yield surpasses its 2015 low Slowdown in U.S. labor market, U.K. referendum adding to risks Germany’s 10-year bond yield fell to a record low amid a surge in demand for the safest fixed-income assets. The securities, which...