If you’re self-employed, an independent contractor or the owner of a small business, you can really use some money-saving tax tips right now. After all, the total taxes on your net income as a sole proprietor can be as high...
Parents and students paying for college know how expensive it can be. To help defray these costs, many middle-income families qualify for tax credits and deductions when they spend money on education related tuition and fees. But which credits or...
Elder abuse is a rapidly growing problem in the U.S. Or at least so say experts who testified before a Senate Special Committee on Aging hearing in November. In fact, one in 10 seniors age 60 and older, some 5...
U.S. Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julián Castro said on Monday the Federal Housing Administration will reduce the annual premiums most borrowers will pay by a quarter of a percent. The FHA is reducing its annual mortgage insurance premium by...
In the final quarter of the year, I had the opportunity to run retirement plans on quite a few 401(k) plan participants. Whenever possible, I enjoy sitting one-on-one with employees to help them understand and formulate a retirement scenario. One would think...
When it comes to retirement readiness, you may not be as prepared as you think. According to TIAA’s 2016 Lifetime Income Survey, fewer than half of Americans know how much they have saved for retirement, and only 35% know how much monthly...
If you’ve taken on the task of mapping out your annual financial plan, you deserve a pat on the back. Ensuring that you’ve covered all of the bases is important to both your short- and long-term financial health. Keeping track of...
Since I started working as a financial advisor I have had so many people ask me the same question, “What is the difference between a Roth IRA and a Traditional IRA?” I am going to lay out the basics below on the differences,...
Advice on timing deductions, avoiding wash sales and keeping rental income tax free. Haste makes waste, especially in the increasingly complex and often counterintuitive world of taxes. As the year draws to a close, many taxpayers scramble to take advantage...
Giants such as Baidu and Alibaba create their own economic gauges. Wu Haishan was at Princeton studying how schools of fish swim together when the crowd behavior of a much bigger group grabbed his attention: his 1.35 billion fellow Chinese....
Get your toys now, but hold off on the gym memberships. Hopefully, you haven’t finished your holiday shopping yet because December is the best time to buy many great gifts. Of course, even if you aren’t shopping for anyone this month, there...
Many company 401(k) retirement savings plans could use a swift kick into the 21st century, according to a new report from the U.S. Government Accountability Office. A number of longtime 401(k) plan designs fail to reflect a new, more mobile workforce, hurting employees’ ability...
You might get a better interest rate, but beware these risks. Opportunities for student borrowers to get new terms on their debt have surged in the past few years. But there’s still plenty of confusion about who qualifies for refinancing...
Parallels in price action and voters' concerns. Donald Trump has predicted that today will be "Brexit times 10" for the U.S. If it is, financial markets are about to go haywire. Luke Kawa | Bloomberg
...Presidential election? What presidential election? For the last three months, Down Ticket has been obsessing over every race that isn’t Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton — and we’re not about to stop now. As you may have heard, it’s Election...